VBT# Get You The Moon - Hasnita Singh

Get You the Moon

VBT# Get You The Moon - Hasnita Singh - July 2021

I was excited to read this book and as I started it felt great to read as I felt at home. This book was set in Auckland, New Zealand. Being from New Zealand myself, it just felt like I was more invested in this book. The author captured the NZ culture well with sports, academics, and families. In Get You The Moon we have our main character leads Scarlet Bridge and Levi Henare. These two are the top academics at the high school and have been arch-enemies since Year 9/10. For Scarlet, she feels that Levi has everything handed to him on a silver platter and is spoilt and never gets in trouble for his actions, nothing sticks to him. Whereas she feels every move of hers is scrutinized especially since her older brother Sawyer who was once a golden boy ended up being caught in a compromising position with his music teacher and it came out that they had an affair. During this book, Scarlet ends up calling her boyfriend Jack - only for it to be a wrong number and turns out to be Levi's number. The two-start chatting and talking not realizing who the other is. I liked the chemistry between Scarlet and Levi and agree that Jack was such a freaking jerk boyfriend. Get You the Moon not only touches on the teen enemies to lover’s romance, high school hijinks, family drama but also the edgy side of partying and drugs.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xRT9OU


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