VBT# The Christmas Party - Mikayla Davids

The Christmas Party

Review: The Christmas Party - Christmas Series #1 - Mikayla Davids - November 2022

Ten years ago, an accident happened and it caused a major rift in the Bailey Family with the middle daughter not contacting her family for ten years. Now ten years later, the middle daughter wants to be reunited with her family and has some other plans up her sleeve for the evening. Ten years on, Erin has done well for herself by marrying up and securing her future by having two children with her husband. It's their annual Christmas Party and this time, Erin has sent invitations to her mother Nadia, her sister Leah and her sister Sasha and her husband Jesse. Nadia and Leah are looking forward to the reunion but older sister Sasha isn't convinced and I have to admit I hated her character as she was a wet blanket kind of character and needed to get over herself as if anyone should be hurt still and angry it would be Leah as she was the one scarred forever by that fateful evening or Nadia who found herself stuck between her daughters and had to make a decision of her to support knowing she would lose one daughter to save the others. At the Christmas party, it takes a nasty turn as a dead body turns up and the finger is pointing towards one of the Bailey sisters, can Nadia do the right thing again to protect her daughters by twisting the narrative? Find out in The Christmas Party by Mikayla Davids and now I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series - The Christmas Holiday.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3j9KNP8


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