Review: A Quantum Love Story - Mike Chen

Review: A Quantum Love Story - Mike Chen - January 2024

You know how some days, you try half a dozen books and nothing clicks, and then you will finally find a book that clicks with you and you can read it in one sitting? That was how it was with Mike Chen's A Quantum Love Story. This book had initially caught my attention with the STEM aspect though I may not be that way orientated, I do find STEM novels great and enjoyable. The other thing that surprised me was that it was written by a male author as normally I have found the men tend to stick with writing adventure or thriller novels. A Quantum Love Story had a Groundhog Day mixed with a Back to the Future sort of vibe going on. We first meet Carter who works in the mechanical side of the particle accelerator - Big Bang Theory Vibes right as I could imagine this like the Hadron Collider. Carter knows that the Particle Accelerator is going to blow up at lunchtime every day and has relived this death multiple times. One day he changes his routine and meets Mariana, she is a neuroscientist working on the genetic project Relive and is currently touring the facility. There is something about her and she ends up getting stuck along with Carter in the time loop. Can these two discover how to stop the loop before something terrible happens and they are stuck this way forever? If you love STEM Novels, Geek Chic Lit, and want a book written from a male perspective, then check out Mike Chen's A Quantum Love Story which contains romance, time-traveling and suspense.



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