Review: Twenty-Seven Minutes - Ashley Tate

Review: Twenty-Seven Minutes - Ashley Tate - January 2024

This book has been on my radar since before the actual release as it sounded exactly up my alley and this cover is so striking and has that thriller look. Being on holiday means I can sit outside on my porch swing and catch up on books and today's lucky read was Twenty-Seven Minutes by Ashley Tate as the first couple I tried were DNFs. This one though had me captivated by the prologue where we see a young girl Phoebe Dean slowly dying on the road after an accident we assume. The book then jumps ten years ahead and it is coming up to the 10th Anniversary of Phoebe Dean's death and the town is also up in arms as they want to pull down the bridge as someone else has died. We can see that Garrett Dean controls the narrative in this book as he has some dark secrets from that night and if it was to get out then everything he has ever known would be gone. He has gotten away with murder for ten years, what's another ten years right? The thing though is that a few people in the town Becca and June are done being quiet and want answers as that same night that Phoebe Dean died, Becca was in the car and Wyatt aka June's brother disappeared without a trace.  Becca has kept her mouth shut about what she saw as she is stuck in this delusion that she has been protecting the one she loved, but what happens when she has had enough of the secrets?  Twenty-Seven Minutes was a slower read, but worth it as when you get to the ending and the twist with Wyatt - WOW and OMFG - so worth it.  I am now looking forward to reading future books by Ashley Tate.


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