VBT# Royally Lost - Angie Stanton


Review: Royally Lost - Angie Stanton - May 2014

Are you fans of movies like The Prince and Me featuring Julia Stiles , The First Daughter starring Katie Holmes and Marc Blucas or what about Saving Liberty featuring Mandy Moore ? Can you see the pattern emerging here ? One of my favourite type of movies is the whole Cinderella/royalty theme where A) the royal escapes from his/her life and tries to become normal only to along the way fall head over heels for an ordinary but wonderful girl/guy and B) The royal decides to go undercover and act normal and falls in love but disaster hits when his/her identity is revealed. That's what I loved about Royally Lost by Angie Stanton as we meet Nikolai who is the heir to the throne of Moldovia . He is wanting to escape his life , just for a moment or two - to gain freedom, something he has never experienced before. While on his trip in Budapest , he spots an American beauty called Becca who is on a family forced holiday with her dad, stepmother and brother. Over the trip , these two always seem to end up in the same place at the same time - coincidence , I think not. Sparks fly and of course we all know what happens , a whirlwind romance blooms but it is cut short when the Moldovian security locates Nikolai and takes him back home and Becca heads back to the US. Five months pass and all will be revealed ...... Was this just a whirlwind holiday fling or is true love at play ? Will this holiday actually bring both families closer together with each other ?
Find out in this awesome new book by Angie Stanton - Reader's get prepared to be "Royally Lost".



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