Review: Like - J.A Huss

Review: Like - Book #2 Social Media Series - J.A Huss - September 2014
As a big reader and with so many books coming out each week, every now and again older titles get forgotten about and then something will spark up the book title and you will be like - I have to read that. That's what it was like for me with Book #2 in the serial series Social Media by J.A Huss as I love this author so incidentally, I brought all their books as soon as they were released - this particular one in 2014. For those who aren't familiar with this serial, it follows two characters @VaughnAsher and @FilthyBlueBird. @VaughnAsher is movie star Vaughn Asher, and @FilthyBlueBird is Grace. She is one of Vaughn's biggest fans, and he is her ultimate fantasy. She is a dirty tweeter, and most of her dirty tweets are things she would love to do to Vaughn - very R18 rated. During a holiday with a friend, it is discovered that Vaughn is there too and one thing leads to another and Vaughn, and Grace does the dirty. Book #2 Like the aftermath where they are both homes now, and of course, Vaughn wants more. Grace on the other is playing hard to get and isn't sure how she feels about becoming another Vaughn conquest and regular notch on his bedpost. What I did like about this particular one was that we got to see another side of Vaughn - one where he is a nice guy and has a heart and not just the Mr. Grey styled sex-fiend that the public and his contracts paint him as. The Social Media series is the perfect read for those wanting something quick, and if you are up with the current social media trends and love Twitter, then this is the book for you as, like me, you will love all the Tweets and everything that comes with Twitter.

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