Review: The Safe Room - Whitney Zahar

20 Haunting Photos Of Abandoned Asylums In The United States

The Safe Room

Review: The Safe Room - Whitney Zahar - June 2021

I have been enjoying this series of overcoming brokenness and finding a purpose in life, for two twin sisters both had creative outlets but lived very different lives. One was broken on the inside and outside whilst the other was broken on the inside. One chose to show the world her demons whereas the other chose to hide behind a camera and pretend to live a normal life. In The Safe Room, we meet twins April and Tam. Tam has spent her life in and out of the mental institutions/rehab as she has had many failed suicide attempts and feels safer in these four walls. April has dedicated her life to photographing old abandoned buildings and showing her feelings through her photography and art. One day, April receives a phone call from her sister giving her passwords to her blog The Safe Room. Little does she know it will be the last time she hears from her sister. As the rest of the book moves on, April starts to look into Eugenics and the types of therapy that people were given in mental institutions. Reading about Eugenics made me sad and angry as to how dear people who are supposed to be their loved ones take away the decision of them to have a child just because it could have the possibility of genetically inheriting some of their parents' disorders/ disabilities. Today, I also read an article that Britney Spears is trying to get her IUD removed as her father/ a female guardian have conservatorship over and using the IUD as a form of Eugenics since they can control her medical decisions. Yes, I think some people aren't cut out to be parents, but in that case, there are plenty of females who can't have kids and willing to give the children a happy home no matter what, so it is a win-win situation. I don't believe Eugenics should still exist in today's world as if a woman wants to have children- let that be her prerogative. Like my sister is one who had kids yet in the mind of Eugenics, she probably shouldn't have but she did and now they are with people who love them and one of them is with a lady who couldn't have children due to Ovarian Cancer and she loves Geordie like he is her child.  If my parents had decided to force my sister not to have children, I wouldn't have two amazing nephews who I love and adore.



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