Review: I Let Her Go - JA Andrews

Review: I Let Her Go - J.A Andrews - August 2021

Like most mystery books, I was drawn to this one by the cover as it was simple but attractive and draws the reader's eye in. This book starts with our main character Lucy wandering in the woods looking for Amber - her best friend and foster sister. The book then jumps to Lucy being called inside and it turns out she was having a live nightmare in the garden and the incident with Amber happened fifteen years ago. Lucy and Amber got into a fight over Josh - their foster brother who they both loved as he kissed Lucy and not Amber. That night, Amber vanished and for the past fifteen years, there has been no trace. Life moved on and Lucy and Josh are now busy planning their life together as their wedding and honeymoon are coming up. However, a set of found bones in the woods that Lucy, Amber, and Josh used to hang out is about to resurface old memories and put a damper on things. Everyone is hiding secrets and soon Lucy will be put at the center of a dark secret and in danger. As the book delves deeper, we learn that Lucy is the key and everyone is keeping secrets from her. Who can Lucy trust especially when she thought the people, she loved the most are the ones hurting her? I Let Her Go was a slower-paced novel with a lot going on and lots of twists and turns and it took paths I wasn't expecting, especially those last few chapters at the end which in my opinion - the endings are what can make or break the story, and in this case, it made the story a great psychological thriller.



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