Review: Some Laneys Died - Brooke Skipstone

Review: Some Laneys Died - Book #1 Skipping Sideways Series - Brooke Skipstone - August 2020
I have to admit at first, I was excited to read this book as sounded like a murder mystery, especially when two tween twin skeletons were found but then the book took the weirdest turn and I have to admit it was one of the most confusing books I have read in a long time. It did take me a while to connect with the book and slowly wrap my mind around the book and story as a whole. In this book, we have lots of parallel universes and in one universe we have Laney and of course in multiple universes Laneys and when an incident occurs, the universes start to collide and split, and soon things from the other universes are coinciding and crashing into the main Laney's universe and she is losing time and feels like she is going crazy and I have to admit, you do feel that as the reader too that you are going crazy as I seriously tried hard to stay on the same page as the author but several moments I was like Huh? I am so confused. In parts of this book, it reminded me of a cross between Lovely Bones and the Time Traveller's Wife. If you love science fiction crossed with mystery and you understand the sciencey background of universes and split parallels etc, then you may enjoy this but for me, it was just a tad too much - therefore it is a borderline 3Ps read for me.
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