VBT# A Girl From Forever - Yolanda McCarthy

Review: A Girl From Forever - Book #1 The Forever Institute - Yolanda McCarthy - August 2021
I wasn't sure what to expect with this
book, but it had sounded interesting when I decided to sign up with Xpresso
Book Tours. The author had contacted me as well, but seeing as I was signed up
for the tour, I would read it anyway. Going into books blind is sometimes the
best way to read as you don't have those expectations built up. This book
starts with our main character Fern who has been communicating with someone on
the outside - Rehan. It starts as a set-up to find out what is going on in the
institute but for Fern and both Rehan, it will be an awakening where they will
learn that everything that they have been taught was wrong and that they have
both been brainwashed as truths, lies, and secrets are revealed. When Fern and
Rehan decide not to return to the Forever Institute, Fern finds herself in
danger as her friends are sent to "rescue" her but, of course, she
doesn't need rescuing. I enjoyed A Girl From Forever, as it reminded me of the
early Dystopians that were released back in the mid-2000s-2010 when the
dystopian craze started up again for YA readers. I am looking forward to seeing
the route that this series takes, especially with the data getting into the
other students' hands- how exciting and them finding their own Anna like Fern
found hers.
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3yOSV9Q
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