Cover Reveal : Even if It Hurts - Molly Barlowe

Even if It Hurts

The first worlds-collide novel in the Huntley Square series.

Coming September 16th

Cover: K. Leah

My life and career have conditioned me to be prepared for—and desensitized to—traumatic events. Rather, they should’ve. But one phone call blindsided me in a way I never expected, and now there's a screaming eight-month-old in my custody.

I would’ve done anything to ensure my niece didn’t enter the system, but I never wanted a family. I never wanted ties to anyone, period.

But then my meddling office administrator forcibly hires a nanny for me, and all my resolute vows start crumbling when I come face to face with Lainey Pearson . . . again.

She’s no one—should be no one. Just an oblivious girl I saved nearly a year ago. But she’s the only one who’s ever rocked me. Consumed me. I immediately want to fire her, but with the social worker breathing down my neck, I need her.

Then again, now that she’s fallen back into my life, having a working boundary might be for the best. My life doesn’t allow for relationships, and last I checked, it was frowned upon to date your employees.

Especially when they’re already in a relationship.

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Molly grew up in California but now lives with her husband and daughter in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas. When she's not diving into the world of her characters, some of her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling, and long walks on the beach . . . which roughly translates to being a homebody and dishing out movie quotes with her hubby. She has a weakness for nerdy movies and loves curling up in a fluffy blanket during a thunderstorm . . . or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening.

Wrote as Molly McAdams from 2012-2024

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