Review: Things We Never Got Over - Lucy Score

Review: Things We Never Got Over - Book #1 Knockmeout Series - Lucy Score - January 2022

Years ago, I read a Lucy Score book and enjoyed it and then I saw this trilogy being raved about on Bookstagram and yes, I am the type of girl to buy the whole series before I read it. Sometimes this fails me as I end up hating the first book and then I donate or sell the rest of the series, but other times it works as it means I can continue with the series and not have to try and wait to source the next book. In this series, each book is slightly chunky so I felt a little intimidated and needed to find the right time to read it. I decided to finally suck it up and give the first book a go. I soon discovered why readers love this book as it was easy to get sucked into as we first meet Naomi who has come to town as A) a runaway bride and B) an identical twin who has come to help her sister, who by the way is bad bad news. Naomi aka Not Tina, will meet a lot of people along the way who will treat her horribly as they either think she is Tina or just as bad. The other thing though is now Naomi is stuck in this small town as Tina ended up not only stealing her car but also her money and left behind for Naomi - her 11-year-old Niece Waylay. Soon Naomi will find her place in town working at the Honky Tonk and the local library, making some new friends and also capturing the interest of two brothers Knox and Nash. Which one though will Naomi go for? Businessman Knox or Police Chief Nash? Find out in Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score. This book also has something for everyone from romance to suspense.  I am now looking forward to reading the rest of the series and meeting Lucian properly who I am guessing will end up with Sloane the librarian. Lucian is one of my friend's favourites, though I am leaning for myself toward Knox.



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