Review: Love Letters To A Serial Killer - Tasha Coryell


Review : Love Letters to A Serial Killer - Tasha Coryell - June 2024

After a string of failed relationships, a degree she doesn't use, and a dead-end job in a not-for-profit charity as she keeps getting passed over for promotions, Hannah feels like her life is terrible and has nothing to live and is drifting through life like a plastic bag in the wind. That is until one night, she sees a Facebook post about a girl who has gone missing. Hannah reshares the post and creates her own one and it goes viral. When the female turns up dead, Hannah again posts about it and ends up joining a few crime blogs and forums. She has finally found a community of like-minded people and she feels like she is finally doing something with her life, and helping people. The thing though as she continues, she also starts to drift away from her reality and soon her world is wrapped up in true crime, missing and murdered people. The police finally catch the killer and Hannah starts writing to him. Soon the pair become penpals and chat away via letters as he is currently in prison awaiting trial. When Hannah's job fires her, she ends up seeing this as a sign and heads to where the court trial is being held. She is supportive of William and in love with him. At the courthouse, Hannah meets William's family including his twin brother and soon though sparks fly between both siblings. Has Hannah fallen in love with the right brother when the truth is revealed, she will have to face the dark truth of did she fell in love with the fantasy and the reality isn't what she wanted after all. This fictionalized book reminded me of one of my favorite non-fiction books - The Last Victim by Jason Moss in which as part of his thesis, he wrote to a few serial killers pretending to be their perfect victim.



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