Review: Legendary - Stephanie Garber

Review: Legendary - Book #2 Caraval Series - Stephanie Garber - May 2018

I was in two minds with this book as I found Caraval such a dark and intense ride and a bit of a mindf*ck read and it was refreshing to read after finishing her Once Upon a Broken Heart series which was very light and fluffy and fairytale-like.  So when I heard that this one was more intense than Caraval, I was excited but then I read it and I felt let down as this one was lighter than the first and felt more fairytale-like and gave me Once Upon a Broken Heart feels. In Legendary, the second Caraval games are about to start and the girls Tella and Scarlett have been invited to Elantine for the new games. Tella is determined to win as she has been given a deal from "a friend" - win and get Legend's real name and her mum will be set free. During the games, Tella ends up accidentally engaged to Jacks who we all know from the Once Upon a Broken Heart series. Now for me, this is where the book went downhill as I feel since I knew the way the story ended for Jacks and Tella, the excitement was gone and OMFG when I saw Jacks eat that first white apple, I screamed as again those who have read the last pages of A Curse of True Love will feel my pain. I even said out loud those "darn apples" and one of the guys at work thought I had said that Jacks real name was Dan Apples which made me LOL. I am now in two minds about finishing this trilogy with the knowledge I have, I feel as if I might not enjoy it as much but then again on the other hand we may finally get some actual true Tella and Legend action. If you love YA romantasy and want a bit of a fluffier read, then check out Legendary by Stephanie Garber.



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