Review: Playing Hard to Get - Monica Murphy

Review: Playing Hard to Get - Book #1 The Players Series - Monica Murphy - December 2022

It had been a while since I had read a Monica Murphy title and I have a few of hers on my bookshelf, so I wanted to get back into them. Years ago I read a couple back when Drew and Fable were just starting to date and eventually got married. I even read a couple of their kids including Jake Callahan. In Playing Hard to Get we meet the Maguire family which is Drew and Fable's sister and brother-in-law. Another family of elite footballers. Playing Hard to Get features Knox Maguire, a college footballer player with dreams of heading just like his relatives to the NFL. This book starts with us meeting the female character Joanna who works in the bookstore on campus - she currently broke up with her longtime, long-distance boyfriend Bryan and her friends keep pushing her to get out there. There is one type of guy, she will never go for and that is athletes, however, this is a case of "never say never" as she and Knox meet and of course, they start as friends as Joanna ends up tutoring Knox in English as it's the only class he can't figure out due to his dyslexia and reading problems. Playing Hard to Get was a good romance read and features no big 3rd act break-ups which I have to say was a surprise as was expecting something to occur with the character- Daphne who seems like she and Knox had a friends benefit relationship going on at one point. This was a cute story and also felt like a history-repeating tale just like Knox's mum and dad who met when she was his English tutor and his Dad the footballer - this is how Joanna and Knox met officially. I did love the references to the previous characters as it gave me some reminiscing and I now look forward to continuing with the rest of the series.



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