Review: Do You Remember? - Freida McFadden

Review: Do You Remember? - Freida McFadden - January 2022

I have felt this month has been quite a slow reading one for me, even more than usual and I am not sure the reason, though we have been busier at work. I just haven't had the energy or passion to read as much. In saying that I still know that compared to others, it probably seems like a good amount but in myself it makes me feel a little disappointed as I know I can do way better and it's not like I am not spoilt for choice. After having a DNF with a romance, I knew a thriller could change my mind and I am busy enjoying Freida McFadden's psychological thrillers. This one had me thinking about Megan Goldin's Stay Awake as it followed a similar situation, where the main female Tess had experienced some trauma a year ago. Now every couple of days, she wakes up with no current memory and believes it is seven years ago. A world before her company made billions, a world where she was engaged to the man of her dreams Harry, and was happy. Each morning, she feels like she is in prison and why does she get tired at night and can't remember? What is her new husband not telling her as she knows things aren't sitting right? Can Tess prove to the world, that she isn't crazy like her husband claims she is and will she be able to finally remember and get her life back, before her husband isolates her from the world forever or worse death?



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