Review: The Unidentified - Rae Mariz

Wanting a dystopian novel that sets your heart a-flutter ? This book is perfect for anyone who loves a good dystopian world novel .

The Unidentified

Review : The Unidentified - Rae Mariz - October 2010

Imagine living in the future, where everything is controlled and every aspect of your life is basically part of a giant game from how many friends you have on facebook , to what you eat, wear, who you hang out with, your grades and what you do in your spare time. There are still your infamoyus cliques, but they control that part of society and of course their are those who rebel against the system, the society . They are called "the unidentified". When Kid notices a stunt pulled by the group and posts it on her page, she is the only one intrigued to find out who in fact are "the unidentified". However , every step is being watched and recorded as Kid is suddenly caught up in the world of Trendsetters as there are some who believe that she knows just who "the unidentified" are and can lead the sponsors right to them, but in reality Kid has no actual idea - as she posted the video as she was intrigued by them and wants to join their regime. Can Kid find the Unidentified before it's too late and she too is brainwashed to become a trendsetter and what will happen when Kid starts going against the system, will this prove to her who her real friends really are ?
Find out in this amazing dystopian novel that will have you entertained from page One. It kind of had an Equilibrium feel to it with a hint of D.O.A / D.E.B.S .


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