VBT# Grenade Bouquets - Lee Matthew Goldberg

Grenade Bouquets (Runaway Train, #2)

Review: Grenade Bouquets - Book #2 Runaway Train - Lee Matthew Goldberg - August 2021

In Book #1 we meet Nico as she decides to run away and get away from everything when her sister Kristen passed away suddenly as her life spiraled out of control. Now in Book #2 which picks up where Book #1 finished. Set in the year 1995 and Nico has been singing in a band called Grenade Bouquets which is her boyfriend Evan's band and they have been spotted by Record companies who want to make them big as they love Nico and she has that star quality. However, as the band goes along for the ride, they start to resent Nico as she becomes the face of the band and the rest of the background music even though they were the ones that created the band. As Nico rises to fame, she learns the underbelly of being a celebrity singer and how fame and fortune can ruin your life as she starts to once again spiral out of control but this time with drinking. Meanwhile back home, her friend Winter has been hanging out with a new girl Emily who is a bad influence and a Marilyn Manson fan. When life starts to spiral out of control for Winter, she ends up trying to commit suicide meanwhile Nico collapses after too much alcohol. This causes a catalyst and sparks a change in both Winter and Nico as they discover that they both need to re-evaluate their lives as if they don’t, they both might just end up like their idol in Book #1 Kurt Cobain.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/36HNPk2


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