Review: The Family - Marissa Kennerson

Review: The Family - Marissa Kennerson - October 2014

Scrolling through my Kindle, I came across a random book called The Family by Marissa Kennerson. It was a book that has been sitting on my Kindle since December 2015. Nine years later, I got around to reading it and it was one of those books that I enjoyed. It also seemed to be quite fitting as this week, I had read several cult fictions. The Family is a cult fiction based around a group called The Family, they live in the outskirts of Costa Rica - there are 183 of them and their leader is Adam known as Father. He has just announced that he will be taking a new wife and that new wife is Twig who has just celebrated her birthday. Twig should feel special but she is struggling to transfer feelings of parent to lover. During this time, Twig's mother is starting to step up and thinks now is the time to protect her daughter especially when Twig has an accident and is knocked out. During this event, Twig starts to have memories of life before the compound back when she was known as Olivia and lived with her mum and
father. Avery tells Twig the truth and it looks like this might be Twig's chance to finally be free of the compound and have a real life in the outside world that The Family has been brainwashed to think is infected. The Family by Marissa Kennerson was overall a good read, but as a reader, I was a bit disappointed with the ending as it left on a cliffhanger and was very open-ended. This would have been alright if it had a sequel, but this is a standalone read and I am the type of reader who prefers closure and is very fussy about how the endings go for me they can make or break a book and affect my ratings.




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