Review: Sway with Me - Syed. M. Masood

Review: Sway with Me - Syed M. Masood - November 2021

Scrolling through the Libby App, I was in the mood to read something I just didn't know what exactly. This one sounded like a fun read and something light. It turned out to be a bit of a deeper novel as we meet our main male character Arsalan who lives with his great-grandfather Nana who is 100 years old. This took me a few chapters to get used to, as in Western Culture- Nana is what we call our grandmothers or at least I call mine Nana.  He doesn't have a lot of experience with females and plans to get an arranged marriage, so he doesn't have to be alone. This plan would have worked if he wasn't still in high school. He meets Beanish aka Beans. The two strike a deal, she will help him get a girlfriend if he can be her dance partner. Over the next course of the novel, Beans will open Arsalan's eyes to new experiences, new friendships created and also introduce him and Nana to a new family and show them that where romance and friendships are is home, not a house. Especially when Arsalan's dad comes back into the picture and threatens the pair of them as we learn Arsalan's dad is an abusive alcoholic. This book also covers the Muslim religion and the old-school male dominance of this culture in terms of woman submission. If you are looking for something different to read and a book based around the Pakistani culture then Sway with Me by Syed M. Masood is the read for you, #ownvoices.




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