Review: The Strong Shall Survive - Artist Arthur ( Kindle Worlds)

Review: The Strong Will Survive - Artist Arthur - June 2013
The most frustrating thing about being a voracious reader is those times when you want to read but no matter what you try, it just isn't grabbing you as you do also become a fussy reader. Before this book, I had two DNFs and was feeling frustrated as I was like a drug addict but I wanted a fix through reading a book. Scrolling through, I came across an oldie that I had brought. I normally don't read fan-fiction but one of my all-time favorite series was Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard and when I discovered kindle worlds had a series of PLL fan-fiction, I was all over it. The Strong Will Survive by Artist Arthur takes us way back to the beginning by covering most of the first book with a twist. As we all know Ali and the girls have a sleepover in the barn and that is the point Ali goes missing and then the texts start from -A. We have Emily's in the closet, Hanna and her purging, Spencer kissing Ian, and Aria's dad cheating on her mum with one of his students. Unlike the actual books that have Ali disappearing for good, in The Strong will Survive - Ali turns up in the hospital and is in a Coma. Who put her there? - A is threatening the girls to finish the job of killing Ali or their secrets go live to the world. We also have the "Jenna Incident" featured heavily in this book too - remember the firework incident where Jenna went blind and Toby was blamed for it also as we know from the series that Spencer ended up dating Toby at one point - this book she also starts to notice his hotness. I loved reading The Strong will Survive by Artist Arthur as it brought back good memories and now I want to rewatch the series or at least parts of it.
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