Review: All Fall Down - Megan Hart

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Do you love Cult-type novels ?
Review: All Fall Down - Megan Hart - December 2011
All Sunshine has known her whole life as been the church or cult as the outsiders call it. Growing up Sunshine lived in a cult known as The Family of the Superior being , with practices of drinking the Rainbow Juice to leave this world with and be one with the higher power. One night , Sunshine is woken up by her mother and told to gather her three children Peace, Happy and Bliss and run to an address. The address turns out to be Sunshine's real dad's home - Chris. It turns out that the very next day broadcasted on the news is the release that the cult she belonged to has committed a mass suicide by drinking the rainbow juice. Now with no family left but her newfound father Chris and his wife Liesel , Sunshine and her children must adapt to life out in the big wide world. Can they adjust to the changes or will being "outside" force Sunshine back to where she came from ?
All Fall Down was an interesting read at the life of what it can be like for those living in the odd cult churches and also reflect in a way the Jonestown mass suicide that went down in the 1970's.


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