Review: Callum and Harper - Fisher Amelie

On the lookout for a new series to start ?
Love discovering new "NA and Indie Authors" ?
Review: Callum and Harper - Book #1 The Sleepless Series - Fisher Amelie - December 2011
Who here hates being stuck in book rut jams ? I know I do and amazingly enough the only thing that I have found that helps to pick me up is reading books that fall into the "New Adult" . So I have decided to go through my e-reader and read some books that have been sitting on their forever. This included heading to early books like Fisher Amelie's series Sleepless with Callum and Harper.
Callum and Harper are both eighteen years old and meet in a social welfare office as they are officially no longer part of the ward . Headed to Hope House as they are now homeless they discover that there are no beds available, so Callum offers Harper to join him as they crash at his friend Charlie's studio. This incident then strikes up a novel filled with the back and forwards of a beginning relationship between Callum and Harper as they discover that each other fills the void that they have experienced as foster children all their lives.
This novel shows the readers , the true power of love and that as long as you love someone through sickness and health and have that strong yearning desire to be with them for the rest of your lives no matter what. You can overcome the worst of times and love really does conquer all.
This was an amazing tale and a great character study , think The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer Smith and add an older New Adult Audience and content and you have book #1 in the Sleepless series 'Callum and Harper".


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