Review: Christmas Catch - Chelsea M. Cameron

Review: Christmas Catch - #The 12 NA's of Christmas Series - Chelsea M. Cameron - October 2013 :
One of my reading goals for 2021 is to try and clear my ebooks and read the older titles instead of buying new ones and I have found a few gems that I have had sitting on the devices for a while. Christmas Catch was part of a NA series where authors had written a Christmas Novella. In most small towns, if you stay you are going to be barefoot and pregnant and have a tribe of your own if you are a female and often the men are stuck in dead-end jobs. In this smalltown, two teens couldn't wait to see it in their rearview mirror as they were escaping. Ivy always wanted something bigger than small-town life like her family and the only thing she regretted was breaking up with her boyfriend Sawyer who was also onto big things like training to become a Doctor. Fast forward a few years and neither has stepped back in town until now as Sawyer's dad has just died and so Sawyer is back helping his mum and trying to run and figure out his Dad's business and Ivy's mother wants a full-family Christmas and so Ivy is back for Christmas break. Of course, you can guess what happens when Ivy and Sawyer run into one another, especially since they both have pent-up energy and unresolved feelings for one another. Christmas Catch was a cutesy second chance romance read and perfect for those in the mood for something light.
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