Review: Crazy Stupid Bromance - Lyssa Kay Adams

Crazy Stupid Bromance (Bromance Book Club, #3)

Review: Crazy Stupid Bromance - Book #3 Bromance Book Club - Lyssa Kay Adams - October 2020

After reading Book #1 and loving it as I was drawn in by the series title "Bromance Book Club". Book #3 introduces us to Alexis and Noah who are in the friendzone with each other but they both want more, but scared to rock the boat of their friendship. Alexis is busy with her cafe ToeBeans which helps other survivors of sexual abuse, as Alexis went up against one of the country's most popular chefs and is now the face of a survivor. Her best friend Noah is a reformed hacktivist who spends his time fixing websites and creating sites for his friends which include a few celebrities. Crazy Stupid Bromance has a few storylines running through, the first is Mack - the founder of the Bromance Book Club and his upcoming wedding to Liz, Alexis meeting her birth father and his family and then the love story and friendship of Noah and Alexis. I really liked the character of Mack as he is the SNAG type of guy and is the leader of the Bromance Book Club and invites Noah to join, Mack is also like the glue of the guy's friendship circle. My other favourite character was "The Russian" who is a hockey player, I can't wait to read his story as he just makes me laugh.  I have to admit though that Noah wasn't a favourite character of mine as he was such a whiner and it was like OMG get over yourself dude and freaking be a man, stop acting like a spoilt baby. Crazy Stupid Bromance is a book within a book as we also have excerpts of this month's book club read - Coming Home, a second chance romance. The Bromance Book Club series is the perfect chick-lit reads for both guys and girls as honestly could you imagine how great the world would be if guys really did read romance books. I am now looking forward to catching up and reading Book #2 and then the new upcoming Book #4 in the series.



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