Review: Written in Blood - Chris Carter

Review: Written in Blood - Book #11 Robert Hunter Series - Chris Carter - July 2020
It had been a while since I read a Chris Carter book as before starting my blog, I enjoyed his mystery books and he was one of my authors I loved as during that time I went through a heavy Mystery/Thriller phase and then like most things, you read too much of it and need to take a break and mix up things. These days, so that I don't get bored of a particular genre, I try to mix my reading up so that it stays fresh and interesting. This book grabbed me as I also loved the idea of a journal. The book starts with Angela who is a master pickpocket and doing her rounds as it's Christmas break. After a good haul, she heads to the bar for a congratulatory drink before turning in. At the bar, she witnesses a man being rude to an old guy and she decides to teach him a lesson by stealing his bag. This starts a domino effect and will have Angela racing to save her life and others too as turns out the person she stole from had a journal and photographs of his kills. Some of them have been dead for years. Angela hands the diary to the local police and they go through it able to solve a few missing person cases and get closure for the families, the killer though he knows the police have his journal and he wants it back and will do everything in his power to have his property returned to him - even it means to kill or as the military says BAFN - By Any Force Necessary. Written in Blood was a fast-paced novel in most parts, but did have some slow drawn-out pieces. The balance though evened it out to make it a good mystery to keep you intrigued and captivated. The only thing I wished was that the killer was connected to Angela's brother as that would have been a great twist to the book. Overall, if you are looking for a bit of a gory thriller, then check out Written in Blood by Chris Carter.
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