VBT# Playing with Fire - April Henry

Playing with Fire

Review: Playing With Fire - April Henry - January 2021

This book starts with a guy burning a car in the middle of a forest and how one spark can change the course of many lives. Playing with Fire by April Henry was inspired by a real incident called the Eagle Creek Fire which happened in the Columbia River Gorge in 2017 when a 15-year-old boy lit a firework during a burn ban. In our forest are Natalia and her co-worker Wyatt on their first date as he suggested hiking. They are the first ones to notice the fire and smell it. For Natalia, this is a huge deal as for the past six years she has made it her goal to avoid the fire of any kind and little children as a tragic accident occurred and landed her in the hospital with burns. Along the way they met several groups of hikers and together they are trapped in the forest and now have to work together to survive and find a way out of the fire, the group contains all ages and issues from diabetes to dementia to panic attacks. However, as the book progresses and they work to help one another, someone is sabotaging the members of the group and doesn't want them to survive the night as if they do, then his secret is out.  I liked this book and liked the variety of characters and personalities that April Henry had written as they all made the book with their quirks and flaws. Playing with Fire by April Henry was a medium-paced novel and if you love hyperfiction and books inspired by true events, then check out this YA thriller.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3suWjox


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