Review: The Ones Who Got Away - Roni Loren

Review: The Ones Who Got Away - Book #1 The Ones Who Got Away Series - Roni Loren - January 2018
This has been a series that has been
sitting on my device for quite a while now and as readers of my reviews know, I
have tried to make 2021 a year of cleaning my older books off. The Ones Who Got
Away grabbed my attention those many years ago as it is about the survivors of a
school shooting and set 12 years later. For a group of teens, they were the
survivors of their school prom when two students Joseph and Trevor decided to
bring guns in and shoot those there that night. On that night, when the
shooting started Liv was in the closet with Finn and when the shooting started,
he left Liv and ran to his date Rebecca which left Liv alone and vulnerable.
Now twelve years later, a documentary is being made and the survivors are back
home in Long Acre to tell their story of that night. Liv hasn't seen Finn since
that year and now they are back in the same proximity but none of them are the
same. The book then jumps to Liv meeting up with other survivors Rebecca, Taryn,
and Kincaid to open up the time capsule where they wrote letters to their
future selves of what they wanted to achieve. Liv was going to be passionate
and live her life and spend her time creating with her photography but instead,
she is stuck in a workaholic environment building websites for people and
hasn't had any passionate relationships. When Liv and Finn are reunited, are
they ready and open to a second chance romance or are they both still suffering
and damage from that fateful night? Find out in this edgy second chance romance
by Roni Loren - The Ones Who Got Away.
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