VBT# Doc Showmance - Zoe Forward

Doc Showmance

Review: Doc Showmance - Zoe Forward- January 2023

After reading a lot of thrillers and a few children's books, I needed something light and funny to break up the reading feelings. Doc Showmance was one of those laugh-out-loud romantic comedies with a geeky side to it. You know the ones where the female or male are into their careers and blunt and don't fit into anyone's boxes. I loved the main female of this book and clicked with her straight away. Doc Showmance introduces us to Amber who is busy working her residency as an emergency vet. The vet clinic also happens to currently be part of a reality TV show which Amber isn't keen on but the money helps pay the bills as she is the main breadwinner for her house of misfits which includes three of her foster siblings - Bruno who is studying to be a lawyer, Marino - the trouble one who is a gambling addict and Joley - a sexy ex-stripper now studying to be a dental hygienist. The reality TV producer wants more drama and romance so what better than having Dr. Amber Hardin having a fake romance with a newcomer Dr. Ian Todd? What the TV producers and public don't realise is that these two have a history and it's a love/hate relationship as in Vet School they were in competition with each other and study buddies and Amber fell for Ian and all was good until he humiliated her in a Valentine’s Day Prank that went viral online. These two still have the chemistry and it's sizzling, can they work over their differences and work together to make great TV? Of course, what happens when the lines get blurred, and then just as everything is handy dandy, Ian finds out he is leaving sooner than later and now there are feelings involved? Find out in this fun romantic comedy "Doc Showmance" an opposites , enemies to lovers, Ms. Grump to Mr. Sunshine romance.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3PNdqOd


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