Review: Mickey Chambers Shakes It Up - Charish Reid

Review: Mickey Chambers Shakes It Up - Charish Reid - June 2023
I tried to make June a month
of reading my print books, but something I have discovered is that the print
books I have had sitting on my shelf are well boring and so thank god for
ebooks and my Kindle as I get to have amazing titles like this one. Mickey
Chambers Shakes it Up was such a good read as we meet Mickey who teaches at the
local university English classes as an adjunct professor. However, with more
teachers coming in, her class load this summer is very light which means that
she needs to pick up another job. Especially since the price of her thyroid
medication is rising. It's times like this that I am glad that I live in New
Zealand as we do not have the same problem as the US when it comes to
medication costs as America. Mickey picks up a job bartending at a local bar
owned by Diego Acosta. Diego has decided to go back to University. What happens
though when Diego discovers that his teacher happens to be the new bartender
Mickey? The one he has started to feel feelings for, the first person he has
been interested in and can see a future with since his wife passed away? Mickey
has relit the light in his life, one that has been dimmed since his wife died.
Can Mickey open her whole self to Diego or will it backfire when he sees her
sick one day and his worries about his wife come back? Find out in this
#ownvoices Black and Hispanic characters contemporary romance, this story also
contains F/F and an ex-Amish who discovered she loved the Englisch life on her
Rumspringa and never went back. There is something for everyone in
Charish Reid's new book Mickey Chambers Shakes It Up and also who knows you
might also discover along the way a new favourite alcoholic beverage.

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