Review: Home Before Dark - Riley Sager

At the beginning of the year, I decided that 2023 would be my year of catching up and reading all of Riley Sager's backlist and after finishing this one, I only have two left which includes his most recent release. Home Before Dark is a tale that reminds me of The Amityville Horror and a Haunting in Connecticut as we meet Maggie Holt whose family was famous as her father wrote a book based on the hauntings of Banbury Manor where they lived for only 20 days when Maggie was five years old. Things were so bad, that they just up and left in the middle of the night. Her dad wrote the book and it was instant fame for the family, later of course Maggie's parents divorced, and now twenty years later Maggie's dad Ethan has died and Maggie has learned that her parents never sold Banbury Manor and that she has inherited it. Curious to find out once and for all about the twenty days and to discover what was true and what was made up, Maggie heads to Banbury Manor. While there she learns that her father visited one day every year - the day they abandoned the manor. Also, that the day they left, the next-door neighbor's daughter also vanished. Will Maggie like what she finds and will it help her see her parents in a new light? With excerpts of her father's book sprinkled throughout the pages, this will almost be like reading a true account of the supernatural and I think fans of The Warrens will love Riley Sager's Home Before Dark. Home Before Dark is a thriller that meets the world of the supernatural - similar to his The House Across the Lake which was the second one I read.
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