Review: What She Forgot - Cole Baxter

What She Forgot

Review: What She Forgot - Cole Baxter - November 2019

In the mood for a mystery read and one filled with amnesia and gaslighting? What She Forgot by Cole Baxter starts with Hannah waking up after being in a coma for six months. When she awakes though, she has lost her memory and can't remember a thing including her name. She just knows that according to others she is Hannah. The thing though is that "Hannah" is confused as her memories should show some recognition but it doesn't and according to a binder that her daughters made- she used to love things that she hates now and her personality has changed. During the book, we learn that the accident caused the death of two people - Bernie Thompson who we learned was Hannah's high school boyfriend and then a female stranger whose body was burned beyond recognition and she was in the same car as Hannah. During the book, Hannah's mother also seems to be suffering from dementia, but is she going crazy or is this not her daughter Hannah but someone else? A Doppelganger? I had a feeling the book would take the direction it did, but then woah - that ending blew it all out of the water, and even then, with the way the book ended - you are left thinking - is it Hannah or someone else? You just don't 100% know as it was left a tad open-ended. Overall, if you are looking for a good easy-to-read thriller, then check out Cole Baxter's What She Forgot as you won't be disappointed.



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