Review: Magnate - Celia Aaron

Magnate (Acquisition, #2)

Review: Magnate - Book #2 Acquisition Series - Celia Aaron - January 2016

One of my goals for 2021 was to try and finally read some of the books that I have had on my kindle for years and Magnate was one of those. Years ago, I read the first book and enjoyed it and got the rest of the series as Celia Aaron is a must-read author for me. For those who need a bit of a recap, our main female character was sold to the Vinemont’s and is their entry into the Acquisition games. Whichever family wins, ends up ruling all the families and being the most feared family until the next games. Stella was signed over to Sinclair but then saved by Lucius but now signed back over to Sinclair as he enters back into the games. The games are rough and tough on the body not to mention the soul and in the second trial which is seen to be worse than the first, there is a new family as participants - her ex-stepmother and stepbrother. Are they here to save her or do they have something worse up their sleeves? In this book, we learn more about Sinclair and also how the trial damaged their mother's mentality. The other thing was the cliffhanger ending that leaves you going OMFG and now she has to win or else and the readers hope to God that she isn't as heartless as the Vinemont’s or as greedy as the other participants who only care about themselves. I have to admit to this ending left me tearing up and now I am kind of nervous to read the last book.



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