Review: 20 Minutes in the Park - Daniel Hurst

Review: 20 Minutes in the Park - Book #3 20 Minutes Series - Daniel Hurst - May 2020
Moving into Book #3 of this series, we have the Music Festival at Hyde Park. This book like the previous two is a novel inter-connected with several characters, some of which we have seen in the previous books and others are new. We also have a few questions answered from the previous two as well. The book starts with Jelena's story as she is recuperating now from her tragic ordeal and enjoying a day at Hyde Park when she sees one of the guys who abused her. We have Bogdan again standing up for Jelena, Harry who finds some "sweet mints" and this ends on his cliffhanger and I hope in the next book, that we see he didn't take them, Jag whose about to discover that this is her last day on earth, we learn what happened to Olivia - our lovely red-haired female from the tube, Louise who is still thinking about what Josh did to her and then, of course, April who is now dating Josh for the past five months and Will Robertson who has finally received his big break on stage - if only he could realize that his girl next door loves him. I have to admit, there were a few characters that broke my heart - Chester and his little dog Rafferty when they were attacked and then some, I hope to get what is deserved in the next books like Diego. I am now looking forward to continuing this series with the next book 20 minutes on Holiday as we experience revenge in Romania, separation in Santorini, and murder in Moscow.
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