Review: Mary Had a Little Plan - Tammi Sauer

Mary Had a Little Plan

Review: Mary Had a Little Plan - Tammi Sauer - September 2022

Based on the nursery rhyme, Mary Had a Little Lamb is Tammi Sauer's new upcoming nursery rhyme rendition of Mary Had a Little Plan. This was such a cute read where one day Mary was out walking with her dad and she comes across an empty field. Mary along with her father comes up with a little plan to make the field a place where she and her friends can play and spend their time. Mary Had a Little Plan follows Mary along on her journey to creating the best space ever. I am a sucker for renditions so this was one of my favorite little books and would be great to use for my visits with pre-schoolers. Mary Had a Little Plan by Tammi Sauer is the perfect read for children aged 3-6 years old.



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