Review: A Banana Named Boogie - Cristina Worgul

Review: A Banana Named Boogie - Cristina Worgul - May 2023

Have you ever felt that you had a weird name? One that kids have made fun of? Like Leonard off The Big Bang Theory said - my name has "nerd" in it – Le-nerd. In this cute and easy-to-read picture book, we meet a Banana named Boogie who wants to play with the other fruit, but they tease him as who wants to be friends with a Banana named Boogie. During the book, though the Banana will finally make some new friends who have quirky and unique names just like he does and eventually realises that it is awesome to be unique and special. This book is perfect for children aged 3-6 years old and is a great read especially if you have a unique name too just like my nephew whose middle name is "Lionheart". Looking for a great present for your toddler, Check out “A Banana Named Boogie” by Cristina Worgul.




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