Review: The Follower - Koethi Zan

Review: The Follower - Koethi Zan  -February 2017

You know how sometimes you go into books with certain expectations and it falls flat, that is how I felt with The Follower by Koethi Zan. Before this book, I had read The Never List by Koethi Zan years ago and OMFG it was and still is to this day one of the best thrillers I have read, as I did not see the ending coming. So with that in mind, I was excited to read The Follower by Koethi Zan. Sadly, it didn't quite hit the mark and then to top it off the ending was very ambiguous and left up to the reader to decide what happens. It didn't leave me with any resolution and as I am a high-ending person, this didn't sit right with me either. The book follows Julie who had what she thought was a perfect life, she is then kidnapped by James and his wife Cora - they are religious nuts - more so James than Cora. We read as we hope that one day Julie will be saved and not meet the same fate as the other girls that were in her spot previously. The other storyline is Adam who was let go from the police force and is obsessed with a case that has been unsolved for twenty-plus years - the murders of three teens in Stillwater and the disappearance of fourteen-year-old Laura Martin. He has dedicated most of his career to solving this crime, but what will happen when he finally tracks down Laura Martin aka Cora and she doesn't want to be saved? She never truly was a missing person and not an innocent body like Adam believes. When it comes to the crunch, who will Adam save - Laura Martin or Julie Brockman? The Follower was an average cult thriller with abduction etc but not one I would rave home about and scream from rooftops unlike the book The Never List.



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