VBT# The Proverbial Mr. Universe - Maria Le Serra

Review: The Proverbial Mr. Universe - Maria La Serra - June 2016
I am a sucker for true romance stories and have a thing for the personal ads section, when I was younger I loved reading the personal ads and the missed connections. I haven't read them in a long time as I don't really read newspapers anymore and when I was younger my parents used to buy a magazine called the Trade Exchange which had a list of them in the back. As soon as I opened The Proverbial Mr. Universe we are presented with a small Missed Connections Ad addressed to the :Girl in the Red Scarf. We readers wonder whether the two finally met or whether the girl in the red scarf saw the piece even before we start the story. This I found drew me in as a reader . We then start with the story and discover that The Girl with the Red Scarf is already in a solid or so we think relationship as they are at her engagement party. During the engagement party, we get hints that the relationship is standing on rocky ground and that's when we readers, have a inkling of hope that she will find her guy from the Missed Connections ad and live a HEA. During the novel , we finally discover the Girl with the Red Scarf's name - Olivia and as the story flips through the pages, she finds her courage and dumps her cheating fiance and from then on starts to recieve little notes from someone only known as "Mr .Universe" . They are encouraging pieces of advice which help Olivia grow and reminded me of the letters in PS I Love You. During this time, Olivia meets Nick who is her complete opposite and not normally her type of guy but he starts to grow on her and at times you wonder if he is Mr.Universe but then Maria La Serra chucks a twist in there which gets you thinking that someone else is Mr. Universe. If you love Fate and Destiny /Missed Connections type love stories , then you will love The Proverbial Mr.Universe as it is one of those sweet, feel-good type stories where though the characters have their up's and down's and obstacles - you are filled with hope that everything as Mr. Universe would say " Ends up as it should".
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