Review: Great and Small Bible Animals - B&H Kids Editorial Staff

Review: Great and Small Bible Animals - B & H Kids Editorial Staff - February 2023

Now and again, I come across a picture book or in this case a board book that is just so beautiful and beyond amazing from the illustrations that just make you want to hug the person next to you which is your child or baby that you are reading this to. It also wants to make you tell the next person about it as this is one book that every new Christian parent of a newborn or a toddler needs to have on their bookshelf. This book is a quick read and designed for the younger crowd. It has on one page a bible verse relating to an animal e.g lions, donkeys, horses, etc, and then on the next page an opportunity for you to ask what noise the animal makes and then as we all know children love to lift flaps - the child will lift the flap and the animal's noise is revealed which can get the child excited especially if they get it correct. You can even ask the children to make the sound themselves. This book is also a great introduction to bible verses for children and if you have an older sibling 7-10 years, you could make it a fun activity and see if the sibling can memorise the bible verses and make it a game or a bible reward activity. I remember doing a similar activity at when I was about 11-12 years and younger at bible camps and I also for five+ years participated in the Maori Postal Sunday School correspondence activities.  This board book is perfect for newborns and toddlers up to age 5 years old.

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