VBT# A Life of Inches - Douglas Esper

You know those love triangle books where there are two best friends and then a girl is added to the mix and the three became the best of friends, but eventually they reach the age of romance and the girl either picks one of them or none of them ? 
A Life of Inches by Douglas Esper is one of those stories that spans over ten years starting from when they are about 12 years old - I guess. Best friends Ryan and Woodie are riding their bikes home and decide to have a race, which is halted when an orange Camaro drives out and causes Woodie to crash and fall off his bike. The car stops and out pops the girl in the mix - Molly. It is love at first sight for Ryan , but he can tell that she only has eyes for Woodie and so begins the start of a love triangle / best friends forever between Ryan, Woodie and Molly. Years pass and Ryan moves and has to go to a different school but he still hangs out with his friends, but its not the same. More years pass, and they are now headed to College where Ryan and Woodie are playing ball as they are awesome at it. During this time we see Molly has another boyfriend but the two of them aren't happy about it as if they can't have Molly then no-one can. More years pass and it seems that Ryan is pushed to the outside as Woodie is Molly's go-to guy when things start to get rough. What will happen though when Molly later falls pregnant and the baby could be Ryan or Woodie's - who will Molly choose to help raise the child and will it be the right father she picks ?
A Life of Inches is a story written from the perspective of the guy's - mainly Ryan's about a love triangle , best friends and Ball that will last a lifetime.
If you are a fan of The Vincent Boys series by Abbi Glines, then you will fit right at home with Douglas Esper's book 'A Life of Inches".



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