VBT# Tempting Tempo - Michelle Mankin
This has to be one of my favourite RockStar series , with each book I have fallen in love with the main character. The first was Bryan and then Warren, with Warren being my favourite. That though was before I was introduced to Sager Reed. I am the type of girl who seems to go for the mysterious one , tattoos , the artist and the silent one. The type of guy who there is always more than meets the eye . Some girls are all for the Bad Boys but me , I am totally for the Misunderstood guy, the one with the possible Byronic factor. Sager Reed fell exactly in that category. In Tempting Tempo, on the band side of things we read as Warren is making a comeback with the band as Justin is leaving to settle with Bridget and focus on family issues. We get some more background into both Charles and Mary's lives and there is a snippet in the book which related to the author's series Finding Me. Like all romance stories, their also is a female lead in this book her name is Melinda Belle aka Bluebell. Against her father's wishes, she has been busy working on her career as a champion skier and she is doing amazing , the only thing she has ever regretted was hurting the guy she loved - Sager Reed. In Tempting Tempo, both of the lead characters have hidden pasts that reflect what they are like today and it has caused them to keep to themselves and be closely guarded yet in the bedroom they are having sex to pass the time as they are both see themselves as not the type to have long-term relationships. The couple despite the obstacles in the way and the ones they love against them, they get together and readers are like finally and we believe everything will be perfect and then OMG Michelle had to chuck in a major twist as when I got to this part I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOO they only just got together , why oh why - are they destined never to be completely happy ? Of course, like most people who endure tragedy we always push the other one away as we don't want to burden them and this part actually got me thinking as I would most likely do the same thing if I was in this situation yet if my partner got hurt then I would want to stay to be there for them through the good and bad times.
Tempting Tempo was another fabulous book in the Tempest series and one that I recommend all to read , but readers find yourself another book boyfriend as Sager Reed is mine - just kidding we can share him around.
Tempting Tempo was another fabulous book in the Tempest series and one that I recommend all to read , but readers find yourself another book boyfriend as Sager Reed is mine - just kidding we can share him around.

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