Review: The Night Nanny - Nelle Lamarr

Review: The Night Nanny - Nelle Lamarr - May 2024

I wasn't sure how I would find this book, but it was such a great read as it begins with a prologue and a dodgy abortion clinic and then jumps to what I assume is the present time with Ava who has just had a baby and she finds it very overwhelming.  It's just her luck, she met a few months earlier - a lady at the coffee shop who works as a Night Nurse. Ava contacts her and finds out she is available for work. She arrives and the baby Isa connects straightaway with her. Ava is so grateful, and she and Ned are finally getting a great night's sleep. However as the weeks go by, things start to get a bit odd as every time Ava wants to connect with Isa - the nanny has taken her away or refused Ava to bond with her. The other storyline that runs through is Ned starts an affair with Marley the Night Nanny and she reminds her of his mother. The second half of the book gets a bit more darker and thrilling as we learn that the Night Nanny has a plan for revenge on Ned and his family and goes deeper than we ever expected. I also loved the second half of the twist with the older night nurse Mary and her connection to Ned and Marley.  If you love authors like Freida McFadden and Kiersten Modglin, then you will enjoy The Night Nanny by Nelle Lamarr.  I am now looking forward to reading other thrillers by Nelle Lamarr.



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