Review: Her Last Summer - Emily Freud

Review: Her Last Summer - Emily Freud - April 2024

It seems lately that the popular theme in thrillers currently is that they are either based around a podcast or a documentary and they are all showcasing some case that was unsolved and happened about twenty years ago. In Her Last Summer, the book starts with two college graduates headed off before they start university to Thailand and off exploring the jungle. Twenty years ago Mari and her boyfriend Luke headed off for a gap time in Asia, exploring the sights and taking it all in before heading back home to University. The thing though is when the trip finished, only one came back home. Mari was nowhere to be found and Luke was accused of her murder, but of course No Body, No Crime played into this book and case. Now years later, Luke has contacted Cassidy Chambers who has just wrapped up another documentary where she managed to solve a cold case. He is willing to finally talk and get off his chest, the truth about what happened that Summer break. Things go steady and we see sparks fly between Luke and Cassidy, but when filming takes them to the jungle aka the scene of the crime - dark sides start appearing and soon Cassidy finds herself in danger and not knowing who exactly to trust. I have to admit, I did not see this crazy twist coming and the last half of this book was WOW and does make up for the slower first half.  Once they get to the Jungle, all the action and good twists and turns start happening. If you love unsolved cases and true crime documentaries, then check out Her Last Summer by Emily Freud today.


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