Review: Lyrics of a Smalltown - Abbi Glines

Review: Lyrics of a Small Town - Abbi Glines - August 2021

Have you got an author that you know will always kick you out of your reading slump? An author that you know that no matter what happens, you will always enjoy their books? For me, one of those authors is Abbi Glines, and on this particular morning. I tried at least two books before this one and both just weren't grabbing me and by this time, I was feeling slightly frustrated as I knew I wanted to read something. So, I did what I do when I feel slumpish is grabbed an Abbi Glines novel and you know what - it hit the spot and was another great read. In this read, we meet Henley Warren who not only lost someone she thought was the love of her life, but also her grandmother has passed away. Henley has inherited her grandmother’s house by the beach and so she has taken a break from her study and life in the big city to not only complete a list of tasks her grandmother has given her to do but also in doing so, will truly discover not only who she is but also inherit a great group of friends and family as this was the town her mother and father grew up in. If you have read Abbi Glines's Rosemary Beach and Sea Breeze books, then you will love and feel right at home with Lyrics of a Small Town. Fans of New Adult Romance will love this one and it made me think how much fun an after-death bucket list/ instructions would be to leave for my loved ones. Imagine the great memories it will leave even after you have gone.



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