Review: A Friend in the Dark - Samantha M. Bailey

Review: A Friend In The Dark - Samantha M. Bailey - March 2024

They say we never really know who we are talking to online and A Friend in The Dark by Samantha M. Bailey is about to prove that as we first start with a party happening twenty years ago in college where Eden went along hoping to hook up with singer Justin, only to end up in the bathroom blacked out and saved by Dave - her now-husband. The pair have just dropped off their daughter to college and Dave has told Eden he wants a divorce. This drives Eden to hop on Facebook and send a spontaneous friend request to Justin Ward - the guy she believes got away. That party has always stuck in her mind as it's also the party where one of their college friends disappeared and never was found. Of course, some people know what happened and have been hiding the secrets for the past twenty years but like any secret, when that person is pushed- they are willing to go to lengths to have that secret out in the open - no matter what the cost. That cost happens to be Eden as she falls into an online romance with Justin, but is it Justin or someone else from her college past who was also at the party? How deep will Eden fall and will it cost her relationship with her daughter Ava? Find out in A Friend in the Dark by Samantha M. Bailey. A deadly cat-and-mouse game of catfishing.



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