Review: The Eleven - Kyle Rutkin ( She Died Famous Universe)

Review: The Eleven - #She Died Famous Universe - Kyle Rutkin - March 2024

Would you sell your soul to become famous, despite the consequences and warnings?

This is the third book I have read from Kyle Rutkin and each one has a similar theme running through the books and is all connected through the eyes being closed with a gold/yellow blindfold and explores the dark world of Hollywood and the lengths people will go to get somewhere in the world, even if it means giving up all their soul and the things, they love the most. At the end of Influencer Island by Kyle Rutkin, we read more about a secret society named The Eleven. In The Eleven, we go further deeper into the society and we first meet Conner a journalist who is determined to find out about this society, and its references and grab the story of his lifetime. Especially since he knows it is connected to a recent celebrity disappearance. Conner tracks down screenwriter Kohl Reynolds who happens to be dying and Kohl is ready to tell his story and share his experiences of how "The Eleven" can seem like the best thing but he will share experiences including his father’s, at the same time it can eat away at you until you have nothing left to give and end up spiralling into a world of madness. Will Kohl's story help Conner from making the same mistakes he did and getting closer to the Eleven? Find out in another crazy thriller ride by Kyle Rutkin and now I only have one more book to read of his in this universe which is Tik Tik Gone.



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