Review: Lake Hollow Secrets - Roisin Visser

Review: Lake Hollow Secrets - Book #1 Lake Hollow - Roisin Visser - May 2024

I enjoyed this one more than I thought I would as the book started a bit slow with Remi moving with her uncle and cousin to a small Lakeside tourist town where he has brought his next quick rich venture - a fun amusement park. The thing though is that this town has a lot of dark secrets and history and someone is a killer - most of the town has their guesses but they will be wrong as Aunt Carla did her research along with a Detective and cleared a few suspects off the list. Now if Remi isn't clever, then she too could fall prey to being the next pretty victim as the Lake which she is living next to is known for claiming bodies. Remi is one of those girls who would rather keep to herself but she always catches everyone's attention and in this small she has caught the attention of a handful of guys, all with dark secrets especially seeing as Remington reminds them of Sara - the last girl who drowned who also had a connection to the four guys - Charlie, Cal, Wilder and Gage. Can Remi keep herself safe and sound while trying to also guard her heart from the four guys who she finds herself stuck in a dilemma as she is developing feelings for all of them? Lake Hollow Secrets ended on a massive cliffhanger which has me now trying to wait patiently for Book #2, but we all know the waits for Books can be so hard.



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