Review: The Engagement Party - Darby Kane


Review: The Engagement Party - Darby Kane - December 2023

One of my favorite authors that I enjoy whether she is writing romance under her real name of Helen Kay Dimon or if she is writing thrillers under the pen name Darby Kane. I have enjoyed both genres of books and love this author's work. The Engagement Party had me excited as it's one of my favorite premises in books and often it can either fail or work The Engagement Party worked as it brought other angles of the story out into the open and twists and turns and hidden secrets. For the main storyline, it happens twelve years ago when a group of friends went out one night and one of them never returned- Emily. Her body was later found dead in the river. Everybody in the group stuck to their story and a college classmate was arrested and later killed himself. The friends went their separate ways still staying a little bit in touch but not so close as they were afraid if they spent time around one another, their secrets would be revealed. One of the friends Will is getting married and has invited his friends to an Engagement Party on an island in a big house.  However, the bride has other plans as she wants the dark truth exposed about what happened to Emily and she is willing to make it happen this weekend. However, as the night progresses - someone else is on the island and they aren't willing to play as nicely for the truth if nobody confesses - then slowly one by one will be killed and the weekend will end in a bloodbath.  If you love revenge stories like I Know What You Did Last Summer and Scream, then you will enjoy Darby Kane's The Engagement Party. It will be one Engagement Party, you won't want to miss.



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