Review: Daughter of Mine - Megan Miranda

Review: Daughter of Mine - Megan Miranda - April 2024

An author that I do find a hit/miss for me but when her books are hits, they do suck you in and Daughter of Mine was one of those titles. The book starts with a funeral and a car being dragged from the lake that had been there for years. Hazel's dad has died and she is returning home to Mirror Lake. A place she left years ago and never looked back as she has felt like she doesn't fit in. Especially since her ex-best friend married the one brother who hates her and constantly reminds her that she isn't family and the other brother who doesn't like to rock the boat. Hazel has left the old family home and her brothers aren't too happy about it, one is already filing to contest her Dad's will. During the clean-up, some old photos are found in the attic and then a second car is found in the lake. The two cars though as we learn relate to Hazel's family one of them being her mother's car -the same one in which her mother disappeared and vanished from her life when she was a teenager. What happened to her mum? Did her mum truly up and leave her or did someone close to her want her to believe that was the truth, that she was unwanted by even her mother?  What other secrets and dark skeletons are lying around in this house that Hazel has just inherited? Find out in Megan Miranda's newest release "Daughter of Mine".  A small-town past/present thriller.



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