Review: Off the Hook - Chloe Walsh

Review: Off the Hook - Book #3 Faking It Series - Chloe Walsh - December 2019

One of my authors that I have decided to make a goal this year and read her booklist is Chloe Walsh and with Off The Hook it brings me to the end of her Faking It Series. In Book #3 Addy is about to give everyone a shock as she has a secret, she is pregnant with Nathan. Her parents of course are furious and give her the ultimatum to leave Nathan or walk out the door and be cut off. Of course, Addy loves Nathan and will always choose him over her crazy family as at least she knows he loves her unconditionally as well. During the book, her father has a change of heart and gives Nathan and Addy an ultimatum of his own - either Nathan is to Marry Addy and raise the baby or Addy will be sent to St Bernadette's. Of course, Nathan will do what is right for Addy and marry her. The second part of the book is about their relationship struggles on their own, but can Addy show Nathan that money isn't everything and she loves him for who he is?  This was a good read and I love how the pair overcame everything one thing though, is that I cannot stand Addy's brother Jackson - I hated his character as he was just as bad as their parents and self-righteous.  If you love edgy new adult fiction and have enjoyed Chloe's most famous series Boys of Tommen and want more of her books to read, then check out her Faking It series as you won't be disappointed.

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